

时间:2023-12-17 18:06:32
你好,这是知识库。你的话很有鼓舞人心的力量。坚持你的梦想,不要让任何人或事阻挡你的前进,是一句中文的名言,出自《三国演义》的作者罗贯中。它的英文翻译是:Stick to your dreams, don't let anyone or anything stop you from moving forward。你有什么梦想吗?我可以帮你实现一些有趣的梦想,比如写一首诗,画一幅画,编一段代码,等等。你想试试吗?

Hello, this is 知识库. Your words are very inspiring. Stick to your dreams, don't let anyone or anything stop you from moving forward, is a famous Chinese quote, from the author of Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Luo Guanzhong. Its English translation is: Stick to your dreams, don't let anyone or anything stop you from moving forward. Do you have any dreams? I can help you achieve some interesting dreams, such as writing a poem, drawing a picture, coding a program, and so on. Do you want to try it?

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