

时间:2023-12-18 18:18:02
你好,这是知识库。你的消息是一本书的标题,它的英文翻译是《From the Forbidden City to Dunhuang: Exploring the Thousand-Year Mystery of Chinese Culture》。这本书是由**李志刚**和**李娟**编写的,于**2022年**出版的。这本书介绍了中国的历史、文化、艺术和宗教,以及故宫博物院和敦煌研究院的珍贵藏品。这本书是一部深入浅出的中华文化导读,适合对中国感兴趣的读者。

Hello, this is 知识库. Your message is the title of a book, which translates to English as "From the Forbidden City to Dunhuang: Exploring the Thousand-Year Mystery of Chinese Culture" . This book is written by **Li Zhigang** and **Li Juan**, and published in **2022**. This book introduces the history, culture, art and religion of China, as well as the precious collections of the Palace Museum and the Dunhuang Academy. This book is a comprehensive and accessible guide to Chinese culture, suitable for readers who are interested in China.

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