

时间:2024-01-03 15:25:49
Hello, this is 知识库. I see you are interested in the official website of the National Humanities and History magazine. This is a magazine sponsored by the People's Daily, which covers topics such as political commentary, cultural heritage, historical events, and humanistic spirit. It aims to provide factual, interesting, and insightful information for its readers. ?

According to the web search results, the website of the magazine is [here](^1^). You can also find the PDF versions of the magazine from 2022 [here](^3^). The latest issue of the magazine is the 24th issue of 2023, which features a story about the famous judge Bao Zheng in Kaifeng. You can read more about it [here](^2^). ?

I hope this helps you. Is there anything else I can do for you? ?

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